Recent changes in my day job have sidetracked me from doing much development or working with F#. However, to prevent myself from getting rusty with F# development, I decided to pick up the book Visual C# 2010 Recipes by Allen Jones, Adam Freeman, Matthew MacDonald, and Rakesh Rajan and randomly work through some of the recipes in F#. I've also incorporated Alex Gorbatchev's Syntax Highligher along with Steve Gilham's F# brush in this blog so source code syntax coloring will start to look very different from before.
Here is a translation of Recipe 5.1 to F# 2.0:
(* Recipe 5.1. Retrieve Information About a File, Directory or Drive *) // An interesting aspect when writing this recipe was trying to write // the display function. A StackOverflow entry help me to understand // the printf format string. // open System open System.IO (* Having some fun with pipeline operators... *) let display (stuff : (string * string) list) = List.iter (fun (fmt,text) -> Printf.TextWriterFormatunit>(fmt) |> printfn <| text) stuff let displayFile (file:FileInfo) = [("File created: %s",file.CreationTime.ToString()); ("File last updated: %s",file.LastWriteTime.ToString()); ("File last accessed: %s",file.LastAccessTime.ToString()); ("File size (bytes): %s",file.Length.ToString()); ("File attribute list: %s",file.Attributes.ToString());] |> display let displayDirectory (dir:DirectoryInfo) = [("Directory created: %s ",dir.CreationTime.ToString()); ("Directory last updated: %s",dir.LastWriteTime.ToString()); ("Directory last accessed: %s",dir.LastAccessTime.ToString()); ("Directory attribute list: %s",dir.Attributes.ToString()); ("Directory contains: %s files",dir.GetFiles().Length.ToString());] |> display let displayDrive (drive:DriveInfo) = [("Drive type: %s", drive.DriveType.ToString()); ("Drive format: %s", drive.DriveFormat.ToString()); ("Drive free space: %s", drive.AvailableFreeSpace.ToString());] |> display let args = fsi.CommandLineArgs if args.Length = 1 then printfn "Please supply a filename." exit 1 let file = new FileInfo(args.[1]) if file.Exists then displayFile file let dir = file.Directory [("Checking directory: %s",dir.Name); ("In directory: %s",dir.Parent.Name); ("Directory exists : %s",dir.Exists.ToString());] |> display if dir.Exists then displayDirectory dir let drv = new DriveInfo(file.FullName) [("Drive: %s",drv.Name);] |> display if drv.IsReady then displayDrive drv Environment.NewLine |> Console.WriteLine "Main method completed. Press Enter" |> printfn "%s" Console.ReadLine()